Additional Dialogs

Languages ContentTop

IcoFX is available in Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Danish, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. You can change the language using the "Options/Languages" menu or the Select Language dialog.

You can start the Select Language dialog using the "Options/Languages/Select Language..." menu item.

Select Language
Select Language Dialog

On the Select Language dialog you can select the desired language from a list of available languages. Pressing the OK button the language of the IcoFX interface will be changed to the selected language.

Properties ContentTop

Using the Properties dialog you can view the properties of an icon, cursor or image. To open the Properties dialog use the "Image/Properties..." menu item.

Properties Dialog

On this dialog you can see information about the file you are working on. You can see the name, location and size of the file. A list of the images/frames/layers is also displayed for a quick overview. You can see the data type, dimension and size of the images, frames or layers.

Check For Updates ContentTop

Using the Check For Updates dialog you can check for new IcoFX versions. To open the Check For Updates dialog use the "Help/Check For Updates.." menu item.

Check For Updates Dialog

This dialog will notify you if a new IcoFX version is available. If the "Check for updates at startup" check box is checked then IcoFX will search for updates at each startup. This will be done in the background, you will be notified only if a new version is available.

Snapshot ContentTop

Using the Snapshot window you can create snapshots from the currently opened icons. To open the Snapshot window use the "Image/Create Snapshot..." menu item.

Snapshot Window

Using this window you can quickly overview your files. You can also save the generated image as an image file. The following image types are available:

  • Bitmap Image (*.bmp)
  • Portable Network Graphik (*.png)
  • JPEG Image (*.jpg)
  • TIFF Image (*.tif)
  • JPEG 2000 Image (*.jp2)

You can set the snapshot type also. You can create snapshot only for the currently selected file, or for all files that are opened inside IcoFX.

Using the Format group box you can select the image types, that will be included in the snapshot.

You can also set the background of the image. If you select "Color" then the background will have a solid color, that can be changed using the color button. If you select "Transparent" then the background will be transparent.

If you select the "Show Text" option then the size and bit depth of the image will be displayed on the image. You can set the color of the text using the color button. You can select the font type and size of the displayed text. Additionally you can enable anti-aliasing on the text.

You can add a watermark to the image. This is useful if you want to post your image on the Internet and you don't want others to copy it. You can change the color of the lines using the color button.

Welcome ContentTop

The Welcome window is displayed automatically by default when you start IcoFX. To open the Welcome window use the "Help/Welcome Window..." menu item.

Welcome Window

The Welcome window displays shortcut buttons to the most common actions and the recently opened files. It displays shortcuts to tutorials for easier access. It shows also useful tips about using IcoFX. Using the Next and Previous buttons you can navigate through the tips.

This window is displayed by default every time you start IcoFX. If you don't want that then uncheck the "Show this window at startup" checkbox. You can change this option later in the Preferences dialog.

Windows Icon From Image ContentTop

Using this dialog you can create easily a Windows icon from a single image.

Windows Icon From Image
Windows Icon From Image Dialog

It will add all the image formats that are needed for a Windows icon. Create one image, and in this dialog you can select the image formats you want to have in your Windows icon. With a single click the icon is created. The "None" button will deselect all the formats while "Recommended" selects only the formats that are recommended for Windows icons.

Using the "Sharpen after resize" checkbox you can sharpen the resized images. You can also select the amount of the sharpen filter. You can check the result on the real time icon previews.

If you are creating icons for Windows Vista then do not forget to add the 256x256-32 bit image format. The 512x512 and 768x768 sizes are used by Windows 10.

Info: To enable the PNG compression make sure that the "Options/Preferences/Options/ Compress 256x256 images for Windows Vista" option is checked.

Macintosh Icon From Image ContentTop

Using this dialog you can create easily a Macintosh icon from a single image.

Macintosh Icon From Image
Macintosh Icon From Image Dialog

It will add all the image formats that are needed for a Macintosh icon. Create one image, and in this dialog you can select the image formats you want to have in your Macintosh icon. With a single click the icon is created. The None" button will deselect all the formats while "Recommended" selects only the formats that are recommended for Macintosh icons.

You can add the 256x256 JPEG2000 compressed image format for Mac OS X Tiger and the 512x512 image format for Mac OS X Leopard. IcoFX also supports the 1024x1024 format for Mac OS X Lion.

Using the "Sharpen after resize" checkbox you can sharpen the resized images. You can also select the amount of the sharpen filter. You can check the result on the real time icon previews.

Info: Don't forget to save the icon as a Macintosh icon. In the Save dialog select "Macintosh icon" in the "Save as type" combo box.

Android Icon From Image (Business/Site License Only) ContentTop

Using this dialog you can create Android icon images for all resolutions from a single image.

Android Icon From Image
Android Icon From Image Dialog

This dialog will create all sizes of the Android icon for your project. Just select the icon name and the res folder of your project and the icon images will be saved to the correct sub folder based on their size. If the "Overwrite files" checkbox is selected the files will overwrite the previous icon file if not then you will be prompted for each file.

Using the "Sharpen after resize" checkbox you can sharpen the resized images. You can also select the amount of the sharpen filter. You can check the result on the real time icon previews.

iOS Icon From Image (Business/Site License Only) ContentTop

Using this dialog you can create iOS icon images from a single image.

iOS Icon From Image
iOS Icon From Image Dialog

This dialog will create the iOS icons for your project. Just select the output folder of your project and the icon images will be saved using the correct name. If the "Overwrite files" checkbox is selected the files will overwrite the previous icon file if not then you will be prompted for each file.

Using the "Sharpen after resize" checkbox you can sharpen the resized images. You can also select the amount of the sharpen filter. You can check the result on the real time icon previews.
