Create an icon libraryContentTop

If you have many icons and you'd like to group them together you can create an icon library. This way it is easier to handle and redistribute your icons.

To create an icon library follow these steps:

1. Start IcoFX

2. Open the Icon Resource Editor using the "Tools/Icon Resource Editor..." menu item.

3. To add icons to the icon library use the "Add" tool bar button. After you have added an icon you can see the thumbnail of the icon. IcoFX will automatically number (name) the icons.

Resource Editor
Add icons to the Icon Resource Editor Window

4. By default the icon will have the name of the file. You can change this name in the Resource Properties dialog. Press the "Properties..." tool bar button to open the Resource Properties dialog. On this dialog you can change the name of the icon.

Resource Properties
Change the name of an icon

5. After you have added al the needed icons you can save the icon library using the "Save" toolbar button. In the save dialog choose a name for your library.

Info:You can use the icon resource editor to edit/modify your existing icon libraries. Using the "Open" toolbar button you can open existing libraries, and using the toolbar buttons you can modify its content.

Info:Using the same method you can create cursor libraries. In step 2 open the Cursor Resource Editor using the "Tools/Cursor Resource Editor..." menu item.

For more information about the Icon Resource Editor dialog consult the help file of IcoFX.
