
For more information please consult the help file of IcoFX here.

Create your first icon

IcoFX allows you to draw your own icons. Using many drawing tools and more than 40 effects you can draw your icons easily.

Info:An icon file contains multiple images of different size and format. The operating system will automatically choose the appropriate image to display.

To create an icon using IcoFX follow these steps:

1. Start IcoFX.

2. Create a new empty icon using the "File/New..." menu item.

3. On the New Image dialog select the size 256x256 and the data type True Color + Alpha channel

New Image
New Image dialog

4. Draw your icon.

5. Your icon contains only one image format. Use the "Icon/Create Windows Icon From Image..." menu item to add all the needed image formats to the icon. The default settings on this dialog will do in most cases.

Create Windows Icon dialog

Info:Use the "Icon/Create Macintosh Icon From Image..." menu item if you would like to create a Macintosh icon.

7. If you would like to create Windows Vista compatible icons with PNG compression then make sure that there is a 256x256 sized image in your icon and that the "Options/Preferences/Options/Compress 256x256 images for Windows Vista" option is checked.

6. Save the icon using the "File/Save As..." menu item. On the save dialog choose the desired output format in the "Save as type" combo box.

For more information about the New Image or Create Windows Icon dialog consult the help file of IcoFX.


(C) Copyright Attila Kovrig. All rights reserved.